ЦПЕЛ (tsipelina) : FlFNAQ

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Do you translate softwares into malagasy?

The tsipelina project is not a translator. It is about a spellchecker. It will process some malagasy texts, and show you the words that could be misspelled. In longterm, I wish it could be shipped with other tools using MySpell like Openoffice, Mozilla suite, Vim, ...

Why is this site in english?

Is it ironic that I setup an english site (with my very bad english) while talking about the malagasy language? Well, I plan to work with people who won't necessarily understand any malagasy word. I think every malagasy people involved in this project will understand these bad english...

How long will it take before the software can be used on Openoffice, Mozilla suite, ... ?

I don't know, maybe not before 2010.

How much the software will cost?

Tsipelina will be an opensource software, released under GPL. You'll be able to download its source and use/modify/redistribute it. The online spell checker service will be also available for free.

What is Affero GPL?

It's a GPL opensource license, but if you'll use the software on your own site, you'll have to make the source available under the Affero GPL license.

Do you accept donations?

No, I don't.
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