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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ilay fanomezana “surprise”

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Tantarana mpivady vao kely, somary mbola sahirana ara-pivelomana. Nahazo asa rangahy ka mba hitombo kely ny vola miditra, fa hatramin’izay mantsy ny karaman-drafotsy teny amin’ny “zone franche”, miampy izay asa an-tselika kely hitan-drangahy no nivelomana.
Orinasa mihaja no nidiran-drangahy, “tenue correcte” ka tsy maintsy mi-velon-drirana sy mi-karavato isan’andro.
Navoakan-drafotsy ilay tahiry miafina kely niandrasany ny sao aretina tampoka na ny tsy ampoizina ka nividianany lobaka iray sy karavato iray ho an-drangahy, fa ireo no tena tsy nananany firy nefa tsy maintsy hisolosolo.
Rehefa azony ny entana dia nofonosiny am-pitiavana ary tsy andriny ery ny hariva hanolorany an’ireto kadoa “surprise” ho an’ity vady malalany. Malagasy mahay mihafy moa ka rehefa mba mifanolotra kadoa dia izay sady antenaina hahafaly ny tolorana no ampiasaina amin’ny fiainana andavanandro ihany koa no atao.

Hafaliana ery ny an-drangahy teo am-pandraisana sy teo am-panokafana ity kadoa mifono. Nomaniny ny endrika taitra an-kafaliana haseho an’ity vadiny rehefa hita ilay “surprise”… Raha ny tao an’eritreriny, sy ny fitsapany ny havesatr’ity baoritra mifono, dia tsy maintsy ho lobaka na T-shirt no ao, ka raha izay tokoa no ao, dia tsy maintsy ho mody tsy nanampo sy faly, ary hanome orokoroka an’i Madama, fa fikolokoloana ny fitiavana izany. Efa vita omana tsara ny endrika hahafantatra ilay kadoa, ka na ahoana na ahoana dia ho hitan’i Madama fa faly aok’izany izy nahazo ity fanomezana tsy nampoizina. Tsy dia tokony ho sarotra ihany koa izany fa i Madama indray raha hividy fripy dia ikoizana mahay mijery ny tsara nefa mora satria manana “goût” fatratra ihany, ary rangahy rahateo tsy dia olona sarotsarotiny fa sady matoky am-badiny no tsy manan-tsafidy sarotra fa “mety aminy daholo” amin’ny ankapobeny.

Ny nifanohitra tanteraka tamin’izay anefa no nitranga rehefa voasokatra ilay kadoa. Endrika tezitra sy kivy tanteraka no nasehony, ary avy dia napetrany ilay baoritra, natsipiny aza angamba no marimarina kokoa.

- “Ohatrinona no laninao nividy an’io?”, izay no fanontaniana napetrany.
- “Fa tsy tianao angaha?”, hoy ramatoa, zara raha nahaloa-peo …
- “Kiii”, hoy izy sady nitsangana niala ho any an’efitra hafa … “Tsy hanao an’io aho, avereno atakalo any io raha mbola azo atakalo, raha tsy mety dia ataovy fanomezana ho an’i dadanao na omeo ny mahantra na ataovy famafan-tongotra… Kravaty manga ve nama, tsy hanao an’io aho …”.


Lesona : fitondrana mampiady mivady ity fitondrana Rajaonarimampianina ity.

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