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Friday, June 19, 2009

Raha toa moa ka … tahotahon-katsaka

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Fony mbola tovolahy kely ny tena dia isan’ireo mafana fo amin’ny filalaovana tantara an-dampihazo tao am-piangonana isaky ny fetin’ny Krisimasy sy ny taom-baovao. Tsaroako anisan’ny tantara iray nolalaovinay fahiny ; nisy tanora kristianina iray nosakanan’ny rainy niteraka azy tsy hivavaka, ka hoy ilay rainy : “Na ialahy mijanona amin’io fivavabavahan’ialahy io, na ialahy tsy zanako intsony manomboka anio”. Dia hoy ny navalin’ilay tanora: Hatrizay nahakely ahy aho dia voatery niantso anao hoe Raiko, fa ankehitriny kosa aho dia malalaka hihiaka hoe “Rainay izay any an-danitra!”

Dadanay izay any ivelan’ny Nosy
Hankalazaina anie ny anaranao
Ho tonga anie ny fiverenanao
Hatao anie ny sitraponao
Eto Ankorondrano ka hatrany Parisy.
Omeo anay mpiasanao (zanakao) anio ny anjara karamanay sahaza ho anay
Ary mamelà ny tsy fahavitrihanay mitokona
Tahaka ny namelànay ireo mpiara-mitokona aminay tsy mavitrika.
Ary aza mitondra anay amin’ny lacrymo sy ny herim-pamoretana
Fa manafaha anay amin’i Charles
Fa anao ny Fanjakana sy ny hery ary ny voninahitra
Mandra-piverin’ny ara-dalàna.


Masiaka ve? Aaaa, mba maneho fotsiny aho misy lafy ratsiny ilay miantso ny mpitarika politika hoe “Dada”. Io fiantsoana hoe “Dada” io dia maneho fifandraisana am-po akaiky sy mifatotra tsara eo amin’ny mpanohana sy ny tohanana, izay ny hany maharatsy azy dia mirona any amin’ny atao hoe “extremisme du culte de la personnalité”, ka na inona na inona baikon’i “Dada” dia hotanterahina, ary tsy ny lohan’ny tsirairay no hisaina fa izay lohan’i “Dada” sy izay asainy atao no hatao.

Raha io solonanarana hoe “Dada” io no noheverina fa hampahomby ny tolona amin’ny fitondrana tateza-mita, dia io no tena hanapotika izay mba tapa-porohana sisa tsy may amin’izany tolona izany rehefa ho “faty” (anaty farango sosona) i “Dada”, satria dia hiara-maty amin’i “Dada” ao ny tolona ka afaka hanjaka tokana tsy misy aro-fanina amin’izay ny manam-pahefana sisa tavela eo. Dia hiverina indray ilay faribolana vetaveta-n’ny fiainana politika eto amin’ny Nosy.

PS: Raha nanitikitika anao hoe inona no idiran’ilay lohateny (tahotahon-katsaka) amin’ilay resaka, ny valiny dia : tsy misy tompoko.

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  1. ikalamako

    Friday, June 19, 2009 - 14:23:32

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    hafakely indray ity vavaka nampianarin’ny Tolona iray ity. Iraisam-pinoana ve io sa iraisan’antoko ? ptdrr
    Ny valin’ny tahotahon-katsaka dia noho izy ze mahery an-tanàna voanjo manta, ze osa any antanin’olona tanalahy

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  3. DotMG

    Friday, June 19, 2009 - 14:29:55

    Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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    Vavaka nampianarin’ny tolona hoe? Tnh.

    Iraisan’ny mpitolona rehetra eran’ny lafivalon’ny Nosy sy ny zétété (zanaka am-pielezana) any am-pita io. Isaky ny mivavaka na mikabary politika dia asiana hoe “Izany vavakay (na kabarinay) izany dia ampiarahinay amin’ilay vavaka nampianarin’ny Tolona hoe …”

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  5. Zoelson Randrianindrina

    Friday, July 10, 2009 - 21:02:06

    Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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    Rehefa manin-te hody eeeeeee!manin-te hody!Rehafa manin-te woooody… etsetra!Raha ny fahitako ireo tahiry sy rakitra ao anatin’ity aho dia hoy aho hoe efa tokony hamoaka boky encyclopédie mihitsy Randy!Fa ilay mamoaka boky koa aloha tsy kilalaon-jaza an!Hitako ihany ireny namoaka an’i Mahaleo ireny fa na izaho aza mbola tsy nahazo an’iny!Mankasitraka bain a!

  6. DotMG

    Monday, July 13, 2009 - 09:08:19

    Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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    Iny indray no tsy hitako. Mais qui est Randy et pourquoi tu l’appelles Randy?

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