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Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Raha toa moa ka … azo dia namana.

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Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

Deprecated: strstr(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/vh/dotmg/www/ on line 50

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Raha ny fahatsiarovako azy dia misy karazany roa ny kilalao fanenjika fanao fony ankizy. Ny voalohany dia ilay hoe azo dia boka; ny faharoa dia ilay azo dia namana. Ilay azo dia boka, misy olona iray atao hoe boka, manenjika ireo ankizy hafa izay mitsoaka, ka izay azony voalohany dia iny indray no lasa boka, hanenjika ny hafa avy eo, ary rehefa mahatratra ankizy anankiray ianao dia lasa tsy boka intsony fa isan’ireo hoenjehina indray kosa. Ny azo dia namana kosa indray, rehefa mahatratra ankizy iray ianao dia lasa boka iny, fa ianao kosa mbola mijanona ho boka hatrany mandra-pahatratra ny ankizy rehetra rehetra. Izany hoe mihamaro mihamaro hatrany ny ao amin’ny ankolafin’ny mpanenjika mandra-pahatratra ny farany amin’izay enjehina, dia izay vao miverina lasa tsy boka ny rehetra, ankoatr’izay tratra voalohany.

Ny areti-mandoza SIDA dia mitovitovy amin’io kisary azo dia namana io, izay rehetra tratra dia lasa mpanenjika ireo tsy mbola voa mba hamindrana ny aretina, saingy toa tsy hisy fiafarana ilay fanenjika fa rehefa tratra ianao dia boka mandra-pahafaty, fa ny fahafatesana no farany.

Afisin'ilay tantara Day Breakers (L'aube des survivants), miresaka vampira

Ny taona 2019, nisy aretina tsy fantatra nihanaka eran-tany nanova ny olombelona rehetra ho lasa vampira avokoa. Manakaiky ny ho lany tamingana ny isan’ny olona tsy mbola nivadika ho vampira, fa ireo efa lasa vampira kosa dia mihasarotra ny fihazany ireo olombelona salama hisotroany ny rany hivelomany, koa mila mikaroka sakafo hafa hasolo ny ran’olombelona haingana koa izy ireo dieny tsy mbola tara loatra. Nisy anefa tato aoriana fikambanana miafina vampira sy olona salama nahita fanafody izay afaka hanavotra ny taranak’olombelona eto an-tany.

Ankoatry ny SIDA dia ny tantarana vampira ihany koa dia mitovy amin’io azo dia namana io. Ran’olombelona no iveloman’ny vampira, ary manaikitra eo amin’ny tenda eo ilay vampira lava nify, ka izay voakaikitra dia lasa vampira toa azy ihany koa. Toy ny SIDA ihany koa anefa, izay tratra dia tsy miverina ho olombelona intsony fa dia vampira mandra-pahafaty. Fa io filma mitondra ny lohateny hoe “DAY BREAKERS” na “L’AUBE DES SURVIVANTS” io kosa, dia afaka miverina ho olombelona indray ireo vampira.

Eto am-pamaranana ny lahatsoratra isika izao dia asa raha arakao hoe ity fanaovana politika mamadika kilaoty eto amin’ny tanàna ity no tena tiako ho-sariitarina amin’ilay hoe azo dia namana. Voalohany aloha, Ratsiraka contre Ravalo, avy eo azon-dRatsiraka i Zafy dia Deba+Zafy contre Ra8. Dia avy eo azon’zalà Rajoelina dia Deba+Zafy+TGV contre Ravalo. Dia avy eo azon’i Rajoelina ry Sylla sy Rajemison sy ry Zazah, dia izany rehetra izany contre Ravalo. Dia avy eo resy kely Ravalo dia mitsangana izany Alain Andriamiseza manampy an-dRavalo. Dia miara-mitolona manampy an-dRavalo izany Fetison, Mamy Rakotoarivelo, Meme, Raharinaivo Andrianantoandro…
Dia avy eo azon-dRavalo kosa indray Zafy sy Ratsiraka dia lasa ankolafy telo, ry Andriamiseza indray tratran’i TGV. Dia tratran’i TGV indray Raharinaivo. Dia izao toa mitady ho tratra koa ry Fetison sy Mamy Rakotoarivelo. Dia i Charles sy ry Rakoto-nandra-sana indray ity no toa tratran’ny mpifanandrina amin’ny TGV. Rehefa kelikely dia Ravalo sy TGV no mpisakaiza tsy mifankafoy mifanohan-tsy ho lavo dia taraiky eo ny sisa.

Mahereza fo mitolona ry Tanora havako isany, izy samy lehibe mifanao azo dia namana fa ianao ho lasa Tanora Goaka Vody na Tanora Idiran’ny Matsatso eo.

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  • January 2011

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